I am not easy to handle.
I am a diehard believer. I believe in whatever I
believe in and trust me on my words I have never been let down. Ok... let me
put it in other words- I am the biggest dreamer you would ever meet.
I prefer salty than sweet.
99% of the time I am in myself, I have no answer
for it.
I can spend days in library- reading is my passion
& love. I want to own my own library some day.
I love being alone. Solitude to me is bliss.
I observe people a lot.
I go quiet when I am hurt.
I have too many dreams to come true in one lifetime.
But I still believe they will all come true (refer point 2)
10. I want to
go and live in a place where no one knows me.
11. I am too
spoilt a girl. If you are not willing to pamper me, I won’t love you.
12. I need my
space and time, no matter who you are. Give me that!
13. Most
people think I am too secretive/ arrogant/ reserved.
14. I get bored of
things too soon.
15. I am a
Capricorn to the core.
16. I fall for
people who inspire me.
17. I cry a
18. I love
blue lays and coke and coffee is my addiction.
19. Babies make
me happier; playing with them makes me feel great.
20. God is my closest friend. Only he
understands me and is responsible for turning all my dreams into reality.
21. Given a
chance, I would probably go back a few years of my life and live there forever.
I hate growing up.
22. I am an observer. I observe human
behavior way too much.
23. I am a dreamer for myself and
very practical for everything else.
24. I am a sucker for chick-lits,
chick-flicks romance.
25. I live in a world that
practically doesn’t exist (refer point 23).
26. I live by “Everything happens for
a reason”.
27. I want to do the craziest of
adventures- parasailing, deep sea diving, bungee jumping etc.
28. I miss the 90s cartoons- Heidi,
Talespin, Ducktales, Captain Planet, Dexter’s lab, Powerpuff girls, The
Flintstones, Adams Family, Gummi Bears, Chip n Dale, Scooby doo, Tom and jerry,
Swat kats and I could carry on and on. The cartoons these days are a waste of
29. I loved the “Picnic” chocolate
and haven’t been able to understand till date as to why did they stop it?
30. One of the many reasons that i want to get married is that I want to have a daughter.
31. I am a
hard core, die hard, hopeless kind of a lover girl.
32. I love mountains.
33. I cry even while watching dumb
movies eg Kambakth Ishq and Golmaal 3. Yupp that is me!
34. Of late, I have started getting
irritated by too talkative and immature people. Why can’t we all just grow up
and behave like the age we are?? (of course, being stupid is fun sometimes).
35. I am attracted towards people who
are not easy to be understood.
36. I am an organization freak!
Sitting here in Pune, I can tell what is lying on the left side of the second
drawer of my dresser.
37. I give it back to people in their
own language, only a bit refined, sooner or later.
38. I don’t forgive easily. But I don’t
hold grudges either. To avoid any kind of mess, I simply avoid the person.
39. I love to click and get clicked.
30 GB of pictures in the last 5 years is more than enough to prove that I guess
40. I miss home a lot more than I actually
thought I would.
41. I value
my relationships and I am a family girl.
42. I laugh loud and at times I don’t
even know the reason for laughing.
43. I put on weight easily. That is because
I have no control on my diet and am a food-a-holic to the core. Typical Punjabi!
44. I love Priyanka Chopra- the way
she carries herself, her attitude, her elegance and everything about her. And I
admire Dr. Kiran Bedi for who she is and for all the inspiration she has given
me to become the woman of substance.
45. I love my girlfriends and miss
them a lot- from movies to just sitting and talking to eating out to shopping
et al. I just can’t wait to go back home and re-unite with them.
46. I never forgive the compliments
people give me, the best one being- “If people had enemies like me, they wouldn’t
need friends” *blush*
47. I don’t share my secrets and
wishes with anyone in this world. There are some things that just belong to me
and my little dream world.
48. I am selfish. Period.
49. I want to write books some day.
50. I am completely obsessed with
myself and love myself above all.