Friday, November 25, 2011


Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. – Dr. Seuss

Confidence is something a lot of us girls struggle with especially the girls that are still in school and college because we are constantly comparing ourselves to other girls and constantly girls try to tear each other down and constantly girls picking out each other’s imperfections and things like that. We all feel that we are not pretty or we don’t feel beautiful or good about ourselves and I totally know how you feel, I have been through that many times where I wake up in the morning (and I think a lot of us are guilty of that) and we constantly start picking out things that we don’t like about ourselves like “oh! I hate my nose”, “oh! I hate my teeth”, “oh! I hate my hair” and all that stuff. And I know that a lot of girls do this stuff to each other as well. A lot of people have been doing that to me. And a lot of us struggle with that. And we kind of let those things get to us.

 So the biggest thing for me that conquers all those mean rude comments and those rude words that people say about me is CONFIDENCE. And it is something every girl should have. A lot of us look to other people for confidence. Like I’m sure we’re all guilty of, you know being with our friends and saying, “Ugh! I’m so fat” just so they’ll say “Oh no! You’re so skinny. How can you say that?” You know, stuff like that that we pick out the things we don’t like just so that other people can assure us that we are beautiful and pretty. I know a lot of us do that. I have done that before. And you just can’t do that when it comes to confidence. Confidence is believing that you are beautiful, being able to walk out of the house with no makeup on and your hair a mess and still being confident and comfortable in your own skin. For a lot of us, it’s hard to build up that confidence. But it just takes time. You have to believe that you are beautiful. And all those things that people say about you just let them go. It’s not worth spending your time over. And honestly, I don’t think it’s anyone’s place to judge other people cause none of us are perfect. We all have imperfections. Even the celebrities and people on the covers of magazines, they have imperfections too. So it’s really nobody’s place to judge other people. But even though it’s not those girls place to say things about you, it’s not going change that they are still doing it. So you just have to realize that that’s their problem, like if they have a problem with me, that’s OK. Because I Love Myself and I am believe I am Beautiful so it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks of me. So you can’t really rely on what other people think about you or say about you because you know there’s not always going to be someone to tell you that you are pretty. You have to have that assurance in yourself and not care what other people think. You kind of have to block everybody out when it comes to what they think about you. Even if its nice things, even if someone says “Oh you are so pretty”  I’m like “Thank you” but I don’t really let it get to my head like “Oh! I am so PRETTY!!”  You can’t let anybody’s opinion about you affect what you think about yourself.

 Even if you are in public one day and you fall flat at your face, you have to be able to laugh at yourself because it doesn’t matter what anyone around you is thinking like “Oh my god this person is a total dork.” Just laugh at yourself and be confident and  I think, especially, confidence is something a lot of people are "attracted" to. And you know it’s not good to be super conceded like “Oh I am so BEAUTIFUL.”  Still be humble about it like you are beautiful and pretty and unique in your own way but that does not make you better than other people. Not only does beauty come from the outside appearance, beauty also comes from the inside.  Like honestly there can be someone who is drop dead gorgeous with designer this and designer that and if they have a super mean attitude, that can automatically make them ugly. So just be the better person in any situation. Just really try not to get it to your head like if someone’s picking at you and telling you all your imperfections and trying to make you feel bad, just don’t worry about it. It’s kind of hard at first because you kind of want to lash back at them and tell them all their imperfections but you can’t. because that can instantly make you an ugly person.

Many people say that it’s funny how I talk about confidence when I love makeup and it seems conceded and superficial. But I honestly think makeup is just an obsession for me. And even if we somehow connect these two, lets put it this way- it's kind of just a little dose of confidence. But I don’t really rely on makeup to make me feel completely beautiful. I can walk out of the house without make up and sometimes I think, “Ugh! Look at my face” but I still do it because I just don’t care what other people think. Everybody has unique features and things that make them different from other people. And if you have certain features that make you different from others, enhance them. And that’s what makes you YOU! And even if you have to have little reminders to make you remember you are beautiful, you can put up little sticky notes on your mirror that says “Smile! You’re beautiful” or “Be confident!” or other stuff that will remind you that in need to walk out of my house with my head held high, my shoulders back and being confident. And even if you are feeling really bad one day, like if you feel so ugly and so down, if you are going through a situation in life where you just don’t feel good, just smile. Even if you are feeling bad on the inside, just smile and keep your head held high and that smile could turn into something you don’t even have to force, before you know it.
All you need to remember is