Thursday, July 24, 2014

Every day may not be good. But there is something good in every day.

This evening, I was talking to my friend and she was sharing this article written by a woman on how to know if you are really happy and content with your life. And that put me on a thinking mode. We have one life. And we have a billion dreams to fulfill in this one lifetime, not realizing that we are falling short of time with every minute passing in which we are doing nothing to achieve our dreams. Amidst the madness of this crazy world, we sometimes tend to forget to take a break. We know we are alive. But how many of us actually feel the life? Merely breathing is not living. Or is it? Not for me at least. I am not asking anyone to stop following their dreams. Never do that! All I am saying is that it is necessary to take out some time for you and introspect that is what you are working towards really your dream?

“You fall, you rise, you make mistakes, you live and you learn. You’ve been hurt but you’re alive. Think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive- to breathe, to think, to enjoy and to chase your dreams. Sometimes, there is sadness in our journey, but there is also lots of beauty. We must keep putting one foot in front of the other even when we are hurt for we will never know what is awaiting us just around the bend.”- Anon
How aptly the above quotes describes on how we should be living. Have a purpose in life. There has to be something that keeps us sparked all the time. Do more of what makes you happy. I understand that it is easier said than done. But trust me; it is not that difficult either. It is all about organizing your thoughts and actions. Start with doing something once a day, something that you want to do and not need to do. Inculcate it in your daily schedule. It will make a huge change in your life. You will feel more happy and alive. Because now, you are doing something you love daily. You will look forward to it. Every day may not be good. But there is something good in every day. There are infinite things that will spark up your life and make it good. I am listing 5 of my favorite things:

 1.  Believing in God:

God is my biggest strength and my love for him is beyond any measure. I don’t go to the Gurudwara every day. But that does not make me any less a devotee of God. He is everywhere and solely responsible for turning my every dream into reality. Always be thankful to God. Always! 

2. Dreaming:

I dream and I day dream. And I believe in my dreams. They say “A dream is a wish your heart makes.” Indeed it is. And so, only your heart has the power to turn it into reality. Sometimes, you have to defy all the logic, rhyme and reasons and just go with your instincts and gut feeling. I am a very strong believer of “Everything happens for a reason” and therefore, if there is a gut feeling, it has a purpose. Go for it.

     3.  Reading:

Reading is my super power. It is a stress buster. It is my passion. I cannot be thankful enough to my massi for inculcating in me this habbit of reading from the time I was very young and then gifting me the best book I have (and probably will) ever read- Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell. I feel reading makes me a better person with every passing day. The more I read, the more I keep improving on myself. 

4. Spending “Positive”  time with self:

I love loneliness. Solitude, to me, is bliss. No, I am not an introvert. I am very talkative person and I just love talking in general. But at the end of the day, I need some time by myself to reflect upon my day. This is the time for my self-realizations. This is my time for self learning. And over the past some time, I have gone into the mode of “positive thinking” on everything that happens. Even if it is something bad, I think of it as something that happened to stop the worse or worst from happening. So that kind of helps me be a happier person.

5. Food and retail therapy:

And finally, I love eating. I like to treat myself with some yummy treats anytime I feel like. Give me a nice cup of coffee and my day is made. I also like splurge into shopping. I am a huge makeup fan, and so I have been rushing to Sephora at every possible chance and buy myself some lovely things. Even if it is as small as a lipgloss, it gives me so much happiness.

1 comment:

  1. really awesome.. :) love your blog.. <3 God bless you..keep it up.. :)
